Wednesday, May 1, 2013

50 Weeks

Mohs is the smartest baby ever.  no really.

he already climbs up the playground, and puts himself down the slide, head first.

he claps for himself, points, and waves his hand convincingly at the things he needs.  he knows how to kick back and chillax in P's chair with his cheerios.

he can even drink out of a straw! (although often prefers to just dump juice all over himself)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

49 Weeks

this week, Mohs got a visit from Granny Todd! which means lots of snuggling and park time and showing off and presents!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

48 Weeks

I made the mistake of mentioning that I didn't think Mohs was very interested in walking.  the very next day, he decided he had it under control, and started walking everywhere.  he's pretty steady with his wide stance. even P blowing by him doesn't throw him off.

here's the naked baby frankenstein walk for your enjoyment :)

I finally got him a pair of shoes that we could smash his gigantic feet into.  I even had to take the flip-flops back because his feet are too "tall" to fit under the straps.  look out Shaq, here comes the next size 22.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

47 Weeks

Mohs is getting tougher and bigger and more and more into his big brother.  playing.

 taking a bath.

 watching monster trucks in their pjs.

sharing a meal (also a table, a fork, and a plate....)

these little dudes make me glad I squished two looooong pregnancies into a short time period.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

11 Months

Mohs @ 11 months on his first bike!

Panzer @ 11 months -- on his first bike!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

46 Weeks

this week, Mohs celebrated his first Easter.  we did an egg hunt with limited success.

until Mohs discovered peeps.  then egg-hunting became serious business.

he figured that out quick.  by the time we made it to Siti and Grandpa's, it took 3 minutes of inattention for Mohs to find P's Easter basket, tear it off the table, open the eggs and start scarfing down some jelly beans.  (we obviously made a broad exception for choking hazards for the occasion.)

and when Mohs is a teenager and looks back on this holiday, he can thank me for not dressing him in any sweet little bunny outfits.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

45 Weeks

Mohs is either an early talker, or I am so used to baby gibberish that I'm better at picking up words.  I swear he picked up my phone the other day and said "hi Daddy."  He also says "mom" and "siti" (much to Siti's joy!)  if you tell him to say bye-bye, he flops his arm around in a little wave.

Mohs might also speak parseltongue.  he likes to hiss (happily), and will have entire conversations with you if you hiss back at him.  of course, spitting and raspberries are also a favorite.

he's a cute little monkey.